45th Birthday Post

By the time I turned 40 years old, 44th was already on my mind. I told myself that, God willing, I will have a proper bash to celebrate my 44th birthday. As God will have it, my 44th birthday came on May 6th 2020, the year of the Lord, 2020 ( a heave and a sigh, LOL)

Folks, we all know what that meant, means, and still continues to mean.

I decided my 45th birthday bash was a given. I had calculated that in a year’s time I would have my Ph.D. done and dusted, start full on-site operations at the Paris American Academy, Nigeria, even as I attain 20 years at the Bar.

Well, Dreams die first they say….it’s painful when things don’t go according to plan, not necessarily because of what you failed at accomplishing, but more because of efforts seemingly down in the drains…

However, I acknowledge the will of God to choose for things to go differently.

I am born happy; they say this about children born on a Thursday. I am also May-born and it is common knowledge that we are generally the life of the party, so when I see the pain of non-accomplishment, I always remember that I have a choice, to dwell on it/wallow in it, or to pick up the pieces and choose to be happy with the remodeling.


And so, for my 45th birthday, I have chosen to celebrate in sober reflections. Attaining middle age comes with “consequences” and middle age reflections are not uncommon, even though it comes upon each and every one at a different age within the middle age bracket.

On the journey to here, there have been several stops of rejoicing and celebrations but there is no denying the presence of several unwanted companies like fear, discouragement, debt and indebtedness, panic attacks, rejection, lack of money and help, and an overall lack of energy. While these are not uncommon occurrences that many can relate with, an undeniable fact is that everyone’s journey is different and elements of these unwanted companies present themselves to us differently, ranging from mild to severe, mono-headed to hydra-headed, recurrent to seemingly unending waves.

The essence of sober reflection is to re-order and re-arrange, sift and sieve, pick and drop. One of the key elements of a sober reflection is gratitude and I am starting with that.

I am grateful to God for being alive and well to see 45 years on earth. I am grateful to God for seeing me through my Ph.D. programme from start to completion in the summer of 2020. This same year marks my 20th year of being called to the Bar and I am deeply grateful to God for that. I am more than grateful to God for being Mum to three lovely girls who make me proud always.

In this same year, my eldest daughter was honored with the leadership role of prefectship in her school. What joy that gave us all!

I am grateful to God for the help and helpers that have come my way. I look forward to completing the tribute I have for you all. In the meantime, I say a prayer for you: Ebi ale ko ni pa yen. Amin!

I am grateful to God for solutions in navigating the murky waters of life. It is a long list but I am yet to start. Gratitude is one aspect of a sober reflection; there are others. So while staying grateful, the other elements of sober thinking have to have their place as well. It is for this reason that reflection is part of this year’s birthday package.

Pastor Shola Adesoye said: “This is the year of the Lord’s counsel.” In keying into that, I realize the drums are not party to that. I am quite convinced that listening, understanding, and acting from a position of understanding do not co-exist with what is produced from “clanging cymbals”.

Even though there are pictures to mark this passage of time, No drums are rolling this year as was planned, certainly no balloons are bursting.

However, there is still a celebration: The celebration of living, working, trusting God, and hoping. My celebration today is not what I thought it would be or where I thought I would be at 45. Rather, the success I celebrate today is about not being where the Devil and life circumstances will have me be.

Happy 45th Birthday, Oluwayemisi. The sun is still shining!


Birthday Pictures and Videos

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